Entries by s211

We Together!- COVID-19 precautions by Yusaki Elevator

In 2020, the new coronavirus pneumonia (also known as Wuhan pneumonia, COVID-19) has been raging all over the world. Taiwan has received attention and praise from all over the world because of its sound public health system and the active cooperation of the entire citizens during this pandemic period. In order to protect the health […]

Yusaki Shokunin-Yusaki Elevator 2019 Introduction Video

Yusaki Elevator 2019 Introduction Video 【雄崎職人 Yusaki Shokunin】 Using its own Yusaki brand, Yusaki Elevator has been marketing its product locally and globally and won the recognition of customers with its five concepts “Service, Quality, R & D, Reputation, and Promptness”. This video is focusing on our Yusaki Elevator experts as the main characters, emphasizes on the devoted and […]


本公司為因應現代資訊世界技術快速演進,原官網已不符合當下網路世界之技術與趨勢,故決定將企業官網全面改版,加強客戶服務、增加品牌曝光,不再讓官網變為「蚊子館」,甚至要扮演未來業務拓展之重要工具。 雄崎電梯全新官網打破以往傳統產業對於企業形象網站-「有很好,沒有也沒差」、「有就好,放著不管它」之觀念,採用最先進的RWD網站(響應式網站)架構技術,不管是使用電腦、平板、智慧型手機等裝置皆可瀏覽無礙。根據統計,有85%的智慧型手機用戶會透過行動搜尋取得所需的資訊,雄崎電梯率先同業,在網路世界中搶占行銷先機。這樣的技術也將網站化身為業務人員的「行動型錄」,進而強化客戶溝通與服務品質。 雄崎電梯也藉由此次改版,將持續更新公司近況並致力於產品優化與品質精進,讓雄崎電梯品牌能夠服務更多的人,打造安全、舒適的高品質垂直移動環境。